
Scoby Spa

Reimagining Wealth, privilege, and the Redistribution of Luxury, "Scoby Spa" at the Schmiede Werkschau is an installation by the intercultural artist collective "Low Culture" (Ina Hanselmann, Gaston Gordon, Eva Esmann Behrens, Katharina Bacher), challenging societal notions of wealth, privilege and luxury. Through the care and pampering of a Scoby -a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast- the installation serves as a critical reflection on the districution of resources and access to comfort. It questions who is deemed worthy of luxury and who is excluded from it, exploring how capitalism perpetuates inequality by restricting access to well-being. By elevating a non-human organism to the center of the exploration, "Scoby Spa" redefines our understanding of value, care, and art in a world where wealth often dictates worth.


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