
Scobys everywhere

Doing the rounds. The plan had been to check on all the scobys and all the adoptive parents daily, but I am happy when I get 25% of what I had planned done by the end of every day. Although the scobys are definitely in sloth-mode (Sloth is the theme of Schmiede 2024), I am not but that is ok. Every day brings new experiments, new meetings, new people visiting the Bureau (for scoby advice or other things like drinking tea and reading books from the BurSE library), workshops and lectures to attend and many other things. The scobys are everywhere, doing their scoby thing, fitting in their new environment in different ways, being experimented on, undoubtedly being talked to from time to time. There's one in the Sloth Cave, they are on many tables where people are working on different things, there is one in the elevator and something curious happened after it took up residence there: the elevator started to go up en down by itself for hours on end. I believe in coincidences but it does make you wonder ......

The temperature in the Saline is high enough for a safe process without risk of mould but it isn't very warm so probably the kombucha will be quite sweet when we collect it on Friday and drink during the Werkschau (public presentation of processes and results). I made sure the acidity was under 3.5 when I handed them out so that can't cause any problems either. I keep an eye on the ones that are doing unconventional things: they won't be added to the mix on Friday.

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